--**GURUNANAK --================ --================ --DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE --Date 2008-10-03 - (started) -- --Description : --=============== --**DB2LOOK -- see "Examples- DB2LOOK" doc -- see "Db2LOOK-DDL and Statics" doc db2look -d -a -e -l -x -f -o db2look.sql db2look -d -u db2admin -e -l -x -f -o db2look.sql db2look -d test -e -z sgill -o sgill_tables.sql --**EXPORT --**IMPORT export to myfile.del of del modified by chardel'' coldel; decpt, select * from staff import from myfile.del of del modified by chardel'' coldel; decpt, messages msgs.txt insert into staff --**Arithmatic Modulus : MOD(num,2)=0 represents even numbers --**CHANGE DB2 PORT step1) open C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services file and add your favorite port name and port number. on Linux /etc/services myport 52000/tcp step2) open db2 command window ,and change SVCENAME param to your port name. ex) db2 "update dbm cfg using SVCENAME myport" step3) restart your db2 instance. (db2stop , db2start) --**Open Port 50000 # vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 50000 -j ACCEPT # /etc/init.d/iptables restart # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 50000 -j ACCEPT # /sbin/service iptables save # /etc/init.d/iptables restart --**DB2Shell Linux #!/bin/sh ################################################# ## Sarbjit Singh Gill DB2Shell.sh ## ## OS : Linux Unix AIX ## ## Syntax : DB2Shell db cmdFile [logFile] ## ## Runs DB2 SQL commands from a file ## ## optionally logs output to a log file ## ################################################# if [ "$2" ];then db=$1 file=$2 else echo echo Syntax : DB2Shell db cmdFile [logFile] exit 1 echo fi log=$file.log if [ "$3" ];then log=$3 fi if [ "$4" ];then echo echo ** Too many parameters echo exit 1 else echo | tee -a $log echo DB2Shell : $* | tee -a $log echo Time : `date` | tee -a $log echo | tee -a $log fi . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile db2 -v connect to $db | tee -a $log if (( $? == 0 )) then while read line do date | tee -a $log echo "$line" | tee -a $log db2 "$line" | tee -a $log done < $file db2 -v connect reset | tee -a $log db2 -v terminate | tee -a $log else echo Cannot connect to database $db exit 4 fi exit 0 --**DB2Shell Windows @echo off ::#################################################:: ::## Sarbjit Singh Gill DB2Shell.bat ##:: ::## OS : Windows ##:: ::## Syntax : DB2Shell db cmdFile [logFile] ##:: ::## Runs DB2 shell commands from a file ##:: ::## optinally logs output to a log file ##:: ::#################################################:: if "%2" neq "" ( set "db=%1" set "file=%2" ) else ( echo. echo Syntax : DB2Shell db cmdFile [logFile] echo. exit 1 ) set "log=%file%.log" if "%3" neq "" set "log=%3" if "%4" neq "" (echo. echo ** Too many parameters echo. exit 1 ) --**Java Example : Select import java.sql.*; class Test { public static void main(String[] argv) { String url = "jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/SAMPLE:user=db2admin;password=wirefire;"; //currentSchema=DB2ADMIN;currentFunctionPath=SYSFUN,SYSPROC,DB2ADMIN;"; Connection con; Statement stmnt; ResultSet rs; String stmntStr="SELECT * FROM DEPT"; System.out.println("\n\tDB2 Example : Connect and Query\n"); try { Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); System.out.println("--------------Pre-Connection"); con=DriverManager.getConnection(url); stmnt=con.createStatement(); System.out.println("--------------Pre-Query"); rs= stmnt.executeQuery(stmntStr); System.out.println("--------------Post-Query"); while (rs.next()) { System.out.println("\t"+rs.getString(1)+"\t"+rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); stmnt.close(); con.close(); System.out.println("--------------Connection Closed"); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; } } --**Java Example : Insert import java.sql.*; class Populate { public static void main(String[] argv) { String url = "jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/SAMPLE:user=db2admin;password=wirefire;"; //currentSchema=DB2ADMIN;currentFunctionPath=SYSFUN,SYSPROC,DB2ADMIN;"; Connection con; Statement stmnt; ResultSet rs; Integer id=0,cnt,ulmt; String stmntStr="select max(id) from test"; System.out.println("\n\tDB2 Example : Connect and Query\n"); try { Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); System.out.print(">="); con=DriverManager.getConnection(url); stmnt=con.createStatement(); System.out.println("="); rs= stmnt.executeQuery(stmntStr); if (rs.next()) id=rs.getInt(1);//id= rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); stmntStr="Insert into test values(?,?,default)"; PreparedStatement prest = con.prepareStatement(stmntStr); id+=1; ulmt=id+5; while ( id="); rs.close(); stmnt.close(); con.close(); System.out.println("="); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; } } --**CATALOG CATALOG TCPIP NODE REMOTE SERVER REMOTE_INSTANCE DB2 OSTYPE WIN; CATALOG DATABASE AS AT NODE ; CATALOG SYSTEM ODBC DATA SOURCE DTBS example: catalog tcpip node ids remote sarbjitsinghjgill.com server 50000 catalog database ids as ids at node ids example from TOAD CATALOG TCPIP NODE TRISTG REMOTE SERVER 50000 REMOTE_INSTANCE DB2 OSTYPE WIN; CATALOG DATABASE TRIUMPH AS TRIUMPHS AT NODE TRISTG AUTHENTICATION SERVER; db2 connect to DBNAME db2 catalog system odbc data source DBNAME db2 terminate --**reorgchk --**Tables Need Reorg if clasterratio in sysibm.sysindexe is < 90 row overflow in sysibm.systables is > 5 --**Timestampdiff --** db2 -x "values TIMESTAMPDIFF(4, CHAR(timestamp('2011-08-19-') - timestamp('2011-08-18-'))) * 60" --**Most Active Tables select substr(table_schema,1,10) as tbschema, substr(table_name,1,30) as tbname, rows_read, rows_written, overflow_accesses, page_reorgs from table (SNAPSHOT_TABLE(' ',-1)) as snapshot_table order by rows_read desc fetch first 10 rows only --**Memory Usage #!/usr/bin/ksh # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Program : getmemoryusage.sh # Description : The script gets the following memory usage for the instance # : Max Limit: The DB2 server's upper bound of memory that can be consumed. # : Current usage: The amount of memory the server is currently consuming. # : HWM : The peak memory usage that has been consumed since the activation of the database partition # : Avail. in Current Cached memory: How much of the current usage is not currently being used. # Usage : ./getmemoryusage.sh # # Author : Raju Pillai # Date : 2009-06-05 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # maximum="0" current="0" highest="0" cached="0" keyword="" OutputDir="/home/db2inst5/report" Datetime="`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S`" if [ $(cat $OutputDir/memory_usage.out|wc -l) -lt 1 ] then print "==============================================" >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out print "Total instance and database memory usage in KB" >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out print "==============================================" >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out print " " >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out awk 'BEGIN { printf "%-20s%20s%20s%20s%20s\n", "Snapshot timestamp", "Max Limit", "Current Usage","High Water Mark", "Avail. in Current" printf "%-20s%20s%20s%20s%20s\n", "==================", "=========", "=============","===============","======== =========="}' print >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out fi db2pd -dbptnmem |grep ' KB'| tr -s " " " " > $OutputDir/db2pd-memory.output while read currentline; do keyword=`print "$currentline" |awk '{ print $1,$2 }'` if [ "$keyword" = "Memory Limit:" ] then maximum=`print "$currentline" |awk '{ print $3 }'` fi if [ "$keyword" = "Current usage:" ] then current=`print "$currentline" |awk '{ print $3 }'` fi if [ "$keyword" = "HWM usage:" ] then highest=`print "$currentline" |awk '{ print $3 }'` fi if [ "$keyword" = "Cached memory:" ] then cached=`print "$currentline" |awk '{ print $3 }'` fi done < $OutputDir/db2pd-memory.output print "$Datetime" " " "$maximum" " " "$current" " " "$highest" " " "$cached" > $OutputDir/tmp_memory_usage.out awk '{printf "%-20s%20s%20s%20s%20s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' $OutputDir/tmp_memory_usage.out >> $OutputDir/memory_usage.out rm $OutputDir/db2pd-memory.output rm $OutputDir/tmp_memory_usage.out --**db2set Display all defined profiles (DB2 instances) pertaining to a particular installation : db2set -l Display all supported registry variables: db2set -lr Display all defined global variables which are visible by all instances pertaining to a particular installation: db2set -g Display all defined variables for the current instance: db2set Display all defined values for the current instance: db2set -all Display all defined values for DB2COMM for the current instance: db2set -all DB2COMM Reset all defined variables for the instance INST on node 3: db2set -r -i INST 3 Unset the variable DB2CHKPTR on the remote instance RMTINST through the DAS node RMTDAS using user ID MYID and password MYPASSWD: db2set -i RMTINST -n RMTDAS -u MYID -p MYPASSWD DB2CHKPTR= Set the variable DB2COMM to be TCPIP globally for all instances pertaining to a particular installation: db2set -g DB2COMM=TCPIP Set the variable DB2COMM to be only TCPIP for instance MYINST: db2set -i MYINST DB2COMM=TCPIP Set the variable DB2COMM to null at the given instance level: db2set -null DB2COMM Usage notes If no variable name is specified, the values of all defined variables are displayed. If a variable name is specified, only the value of that variable is displayed. To display all the defined values of a variable, specify variable -all. To display all the defined variables in all registries, specify -all. To modify the value of a variable, specify variable=, followed by its new value. To set the value of a variable to NULL, specify variable -null. Changes to settings take effect after the instance has been restarted. To delete a variable, specify variable=, followed by no value. --**Exception --**Stored Procedure CREATE PROCEDURE sample (IN sal DEC(8,2), IN dept CHAR(3)) LANGUAGE SQL MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE sqlstate CHAR(5) DEFAULT '00000'; DECLARE errorLabel CHAR(80) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE v_name VARCHAR(50); DECLARE v_salary DEC(8,2); DECLARE at_end CHAR(1) DEFAULT '0'; DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT name, salary FROM employee WHERE workdept = department FOR UPDATE OF salary; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET at_end = '1'; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION SIGNAL SQLSTATE VALUE sqlstate SET MESSAGE_TEXT = errorLabel; SET errorLabel = 'OPEN CURSOR'; OPEN c1; SET errorLabel = 'FIRST FETCH'; FETCH c1 INTO v_name, v_salary; WHILE (at_end = '0') DO IF (v_salary < sal) THEN SET errorLabel = 'UPDATE FOR '||v_name|| ' FROM '||CAST(v_salary AS varchar(9))||' TO '||CAST(sal AS varchar(9)); UPDATE employee SET salary = sal WHERE CURRENT OF c1; END IF; SET errorLabel = 'FETCH IN LOOP'; FETCH c1 INTO v_name, v_salary; END WHILE; SET errorLabel = 'CLOSE CURSOR'; CLOSE c1; END ---- db2 "DESCRIBE TABLE SYSCAT.ROUTINES" db2 "SELECT ROUTINESCHEMA, ROUTINENAME FROM SYSCAT.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINESCHEMA NOT LIKE 'SYS%'" db2 DESCRIBE TABLE SYSCAT.PROCEDURES db2 "SELECT PROCSCHEMA, PROCNAME FROM SYSCAT.PROCEDURES WHERE PROCSCHEMA = CURRENT USER " db2 DESCRIBE TABLE SYSCAT.FUNCTIONS db2 "SELECT FUNCSCHEMA,FUNCNAME FROM SYSCAT.FUNCTIONS WHERE FUNCSCHEMA = CURRENT USER " ---- where definer not in ('SYSIBM') --**FUNCTIONS CREATE FUNCTION SUM (num1 integer, num2 integer) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL NO EXTERNAL ACTION DETERMINISTIC RETURN num1 + num2 CREATE FUNCTION SUM ( in num1 integer, in num2 integer) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL NO EXTERNAL ACTION DETERMINISTIC RETURN num1 + num2 CREATE FUNCTION SUM ( num1 integer,num2 integer) RETURNS INTEGER RETURN num1 + num2 --**PRIVILEGES select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee='USERNAME' db2 select distinct grantee from sysibm.systabauth Table: db2 describe table syscat.tabauth db2 describe table sysibm.systabauth Database: db2 describe table syscat.dbauth db2 describe table sysibm.sysdbauth Find more autorization catalogs: db2 "select substr(tabschema,1,20)schema,substr(tabname,1,30) tablename from syscat.tables where tabname like '%AUTH%'" db2 "select substr(tabschema,1,20)schema,substr(tabname,1,30) tablename from syscat.tables where tabname like '%ROLE%'" --**Decommision DB2 AIX Box - Steps list db directory LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY drop database DROP DATABASE db2idrop (in root userid) db2idrop - Remove instance uninstall db2 db2 -x "select int(total_log_used/1024/1024) as Log_Used_Meg , int(total_log_available/1024/1024) as Log_Space_Free_Meg , int((float(total_log_used) /float(total_log_used+total_log_available))*100) as Percent_Used , int(tot_log_used_top/1024/1024) as Max_Log_Used_Meg , int(sec_log_used_top/1024/1024) as Max_Secondary_Used_Meg , int(sec_logs_allocated) as Secondaries from sysibmadm.snapdb" --**ALTER TABLESPACE EXTEND RESIZE ALTER TABLESPACE INDEX_TS EXTEND (ALL 100 M) ALTER TABLESPACE INDEX_TS EXTEND (ALL 1000) ALTER TABLESPACE INDEX_TS RESIZE (ALL 100 M) ALTER TABLESPACE TS0 ADD (FILE 'cont2' 2000, FILE 'cont3' 2000) ADD (FILE 'cont4' 2000) EXTEND (FILE 'cont0' 100) RESIZE (FILE 'cont1' 3000) ALTER TABLESPACE AUTOSTORE1 AUTORESIZE YES INCREASESIZE 5 PERCENT ALTER TABLESPACE MY_TS INCREASESIZE 512 K MAXSIZE NONE --**TABLESPACE CREATE ADD CONTAINER CREATE TABLESPACE CRAZY MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (FILE '/home/db2inst1/tbs/tbs1' 5000) ALTER TABLESPACE CRAZY ADD (file '/home/db2inst1/tbs/tbs2' 5000) --** ALTER TABLESPACE USERSPACE1 AUTORESIZE NO --**EXPORT TO Example 1 The following example shows how to export information from the STAFF table in the SAMPLE database (to which the user must be connected) to myfile.ixf, with the output in IXF format. If the database connection is not through DB2 Connect™, the index definitions (if any) will be stored in the output file; otherwise, only the data will be stored: db2 export to myfile.ixf of ixf messages msgs.txt select * from staffExample 2 The following example shows how to export the information about employees in Department 20 from the STAFF table in the SAMPLE database (to which the user must be connected) to awards.ixf, with the output in IXF format: db2 export to awards.ixf of ixf messages msgs.txt select * from staff where dept = 20Example 3 The following example shows how to export LOBs to a DEL file: db2 export to myfile.del of del lobs to mylobs/ lobfile lobs1, lobs2 modified by lobsinfile select * from emp_photoExample 4 The following example shows how to export LOBs to a DEL file, specifying a second directory for files that might not fit into the first directory: db2 export to myfile.del of del lobs to /db2exp1/, /db2exp2/ modified by lobsinfile select * from emp_photoExample 5 The following example shows how to export data to a DEL file, using a single quotation mark as the string delimiter, a semicolon as the column delimiter, and a comma as the decimal point. The same convention should be used when importing data back into the database: db2 export to myfile.del of del modified by chardel'' coldel; decpt, select * from staff --**java install jdk 1. yum install libXp-1.0.0-8.1.el5.i386 rpm -ivh IBMJava2-AMD64-142-SDK-1.4.2-13.9.x86_64.rpm rmp -ivh IBMJava2-AMD64-142-JRE-1.4.2-13.9.x86_64.rpm 2. Make sure JDK_PATH is set to /opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142 db2 get dbm cfg | grep JDK_PATH If not, then set it with the update dbm command -- db2 update dbm cfg USING JDK_PATH /opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142 db2stop db2start 3. Go to /etc/profile and add the following lines above the line that says export PATH USER LOGNAME MAIL HOSTNAME HISTSIZE INPUTRC export PATH=$PATH:/opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142/jre/bin export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142 export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/classes.zip:/$JAVA_HOME/lib 4. Add a path to the shared libraries in /etc/ld.so.conf vi /etc/ld.so.conf Add the following line-- /opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142/jre/bin Give the command ldconfig for changes to take effect exit out / log back in to test --**REORG db2 "SELECT SUBSTR(TABNAME, 1, 15) AS TAB_NAME ,SUBSTR(TABSCHEMA, 1, 15) AS TAB_SCHEMA ,REORG_PHASE,SUBSTR(REORG_TYPE, 1, 20) AS REORG_TYPE ,REORG_STATUS,REORG_COMPLETION ,DBPARTITIONNUM FROM SYSIBMADM.SNAPTAB_REORG where REORG_STATUS='STARTED' ORDER BY DBPARTITIONNUM" select snapshot_timestamp ,varchar(table_name,60) as table ,reorg_status ,reorg_start ,reorg_end ,productio n.udf_ts_difference(coalesce(reorg_end,snapshot_ti mestamp) ,reorg_start,'MINUTES') as minutes ,case when reorg_max_counter = 0 then 0 else (reorg_current_counter * 100)/reorg_max_counter end as percent ,reorg_current_counter ,reorg_max_counter ,reorg_phase ,reorg_max_phase from table(snapshot_tbreorg('MyDB',-1)) as x order by reorg_start ---- for indexes db2 list utilities show detail ( get all utilities running) db2 application show detail ( check status of application) get application id , db2 snapshot for application agentid U will find tables and index details --**Memory Usage as used: db2mtrk -i -d -p -v | grep Total | awk '{SUM+=$2}END{ print SUM }' db2mtrk -i -d ( I for instance D for database) The instance total memory is about 50 mb, i didnt activate any database, after starting the instance the memory used from the RAM is different. For example refer to the below usage: Instance configuration: ----------------------- Database monitor heap size (4KB) (MON_HEAP_SZ) = 90 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB) (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048 Audit buffer size (4KB) (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0 Size of instance shared memory (4KB) (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = 4000 Backup buffer default size (4KB) (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024 Restore buffer default size (4KB) (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024 Application support layer heap size (4KB) (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15 Max requester I/O block size (bytes) (RQRIOBLK) = 32767 Query heap size (4KB) (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 1000 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC CALCULATION: ------------ KB MB 90 * 4 = 360 = 0.351 2048 * 4 = 8192 = 8 4000 * 4 = 16000 = 15.62 1024 * 4 = 4096 = 4 1024 * 4 = 4096 = 4 15 * 4 = 60 = 0.058 32767/1024 = 0.031 1000 * 4 = 4000 = 3.90 4096 * 4 = 16384 = 16 ----------------------- Total in MB = 51.96 ----------------------- so expected memory utilization will be like: free (RAM) memory - db2 instance memory 405 - 51.96 = 352.04 - expected U will get some info by running following SQL statement for Instance select * from sysibmadm.SNAPDBM_MEMORY_POOL for database select * from sysibmadm.SNAPDB_MEMORY_POOL Prior to Viper II (9.5), db2mtrk using the high-water mark is your best bet, but will not include all memory consumed by the instance. As well, the results may be misleading - you will not necessarily hit the high watermark for all heaps at the same time, and some heaps will come and go during operation (i.e. each new connection that comes in will require a new application heap). If you're on Viper II or later though, there is a new table function that will tell you exactly what you want - admin_get_dbp_mem_usage(). That will tell you the most memory the instance is allowed to consume, the current memory that is being consumed by the instance, and the peak/high watermark of memory consumed by the instance since db2start. Option 1: Using db2mtrk MEMORY=`db2mtrk -i -d -p -v | grep Total | awk '{ print $2 }'` TOTAL_MEMORY=0 for i in `echo $MEMORY` do TOTAL_MEMORY=`expr $TOTAL_MEMORY + $i` done Option 2: Using ps as instance owner. DB2_MEM_LIST=$( ps gux | grep db2 | awk '{ print $6 }' | tr '\012' ' ' ) DB2MEM=0 for db2_mem in $DB2_MEM_LIST do (( DB2MEM=DB2MEM + $db2_mem )) done Instance_memory is sum of mon_heap_sz + Audit_buffer_sz +FCM_NUM_BUFFERS+ Approx. 10% overhead you can see all the values set from get dbm cfg show detail --**manage logs compress archived db2diag -A mkdir /dir/to/my/path/tmp for i in `find /dir/to/my/path -type f -mtime +10` do mv $i /dir/to/my/path/tmp done tar cvf /tmp/backup_file.tar /dir/to/my/path/tmp rm -r /dir/to/my/path/tmp To generate and run reorg and runstats scripts: Log in as the DB2 administrator, and connect to the database. To create a script for reorg table, run the following command on one line: db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 "list tables for all" | awk '{print $2"." $1}' | awk '/\w/ {print $0}' | sed '/^Schema.Table/d' | sed '/^record(s)./d' | sed 's/^/REORG TABLE /g' | sed 's/$/;/g' > /tmp/reorg_tbl.ddl To create a script for reorg index, run the following command on one line: db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 "list tables for all" | awk '{print $2"." $1}' | awk '/\w/ {print $0}' | sed '/^Schema.Table/d' | sed '/^record(s)./d' | sed 's/^/REORG INDEXES ALL FOR TABLE /g' | sed 's/$/;/g' > /tmp/reorg_idx.ddl To create a script for runstats, run the following command on one line: db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 "list tables for all" | awk '{print $2"." $1}' | awk '/\w/ {print $0}' | sed '/^Schema.Table/d' | sed '/^record(s)./d' | sed 's/^/RUNSTATS ON TABLE /g' | sed 's/$/ WITH DISTRIBUTION AND DETAILED INDEXES ALL;/g' > /tmp/runstats_tbl.ddl Run reorg against tables and indexes, then runstats by entering the following lines: db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 -tvf /tmp/reorg_tbl.ddl db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 -tvf /tmp/reorg_idx.ddl db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 -tvf /tmp/runstats_tbl.ddl Ignore the following message if you receive it: SQL2212N The specified table is a view. The Reorganize Table utility cannot be run against a view. To capture the message printed on screen, you can pipe the standard output into a file, such as with the following command: db2inst1@sevenj:~> db2 -tvf /tmp/runstats_tbl.ddl > filename.log 2>&1 --**foreign key ALTER TABLE TEST2 ADD CONSTRAINT ID1 FOREIGN KEY (ID2) REFERENCES TEST1 db2 "alter table test2 add constraint id foreign key (idd) references test1" CREATE TABLE EMP_ACT (EMPNO CHAR(6) NOT NULL, PROJNO CHAR(6) NOT NULL, ACTNO SMALLINT NOT NULL, EMPTIME DECIMAL(5,2), EMSTDATE DATE, EMENDATE DATE, CONSTRAINT EMP_ACT_UNIQ UNIQUE (EMPNO,PROJNO,ACTNO), CONSTRAINT FK_ACT_PROJ FOREIGN KEY (PROJNO) REFERENCES PROJECT (PROJNO) ON DELETE CASCADE ) IN SCHED db2 "SELECT OS_NAME, HOST_NAME, TOTAL_CPUS, CONFIGURED_CPUS, TOTAL_MEMORY FROM TABLE(SYSPROC.ENV_GET_SYS_INFO()) AS SYSTEMINFO" db2 "Select Inst_name From Table(sysproc.env_get_inst_info()) As Instanceinfo db2 "SELECT * FROM table(SYSPROC.HEALTH_DBM_INFO(-2)) DATABASEMANAGER #!/bin/ksh # Source the db2 environment variables. . @HOME@/sqllib/db2profile LIST1=/tmp/tempreorg1 LIST2=/tmp/tempreorg2 LOG=@HOME@/schema/utilities/reorg.log { rm $LIST1 $LIST2 2>> $LOG DATABASE=$1 # db2 -v "connect to ${DATABASE}" # # get a list of tables db2 "select tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema='@SCHEMA@' and type='T'">$LIST1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print "an error occurred on connect" exit 1 fi # # delete the first three lines # delete the line that contains "record" # sed '1,3d' $LIST1 |sed '/record(s)/d' > $LIST2 # # print "begin reorg" # for i in `cat $LIST2` { # print reorg table $i db2 -v "reorg table @SCHEMA@.$i" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print "An error occurred in reorg" exit 1 fi db2 -v "runstats on table @SCHEMA@.$i with distribution and detailed indexes all" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print "an error occurred in runstats" exit 1 fi } print "reorg SUCCESSFUL" rm $LIST1 $LIST2 } nohup db2 reorg .... & reorg_pid=$! wait $reorg_pid nohup db2 connect to ISQ user db2inst1 using password & reorg_pid=$! wait $reorg_pid nohup db2 REORG TABLE ADM08.UPORABNIKI INPLACE ALLOW WRITE ACCESS START & reorg_pid=$! wait $reorg_pid nohup db2 REORG TABLE CEV.CEVBLOK INPLACE ALLOW WRITE ACCESS START & reorg_pid=$! wait $reorg_pid nohup db2 REORG TABLE CEV.CEVDEFORM INPLACE ALLOW WRITE ACCESS START & reorg_pid=$! wait $reorg_pid db2 connect ... db2 reorg ... # check if reorg is running db2 list applications | grep -q db2reorg RC=$? # loop while it's running while [[ $RC -eq 0 ]] do sleep 300 #seconds db2 list applications | grep -q db2reorg RC=$? done # continue with another reorg db2 reorg ... --**db2 ports aix #!/bin/ksh for svc in `lsof +M -i4 | grep db2sysc | grep LISTEN | awk '{printf "%-15s %-15s %-20s\n",$1,$3,$9}' | awk -F':' '{print $2}' | sort -u` do grep $svc /etc/services | awk '{ printf "%-20s %-s\n",$1,$2}' done --**db2 ports hp-ux --**db2 tools db2mtrk db2greg -dump db2pd db2level db2_local_ps db2ilist --**Compare Schemas In answer to the OP, assuming you do not have time to research, install or buy tools, I would simply export key system catalog tables at both servers, ordered by the same columns, then run a sdiff -s against the two outputs. This would make a great training exercise for a junior. Of course that will only compare DDL structure, not data content. --**.NET Provider C:\Users\sgill>db2nmpsetup -l db2nmpsetup.log C:\Users\sgill>type db2nmpsetup.log C:\Users\sgill>testconn20.exe "User ID=sgill;Password=6yhn^YHN;Database=SAMPLE;Server=localhost;ServerType=db2;pooling=false" --**INSTALL LINUX Install * Login as root. * Create groups: o groupadd -g 999 db2iadm1 o groupadd -g 998 db2fadm1 o groupadd -g 997 dasadm1 * Create users for each group: o useradd -u 1004 -g db2iadm1 -m -d /home/db2inst1 db2inst1 o useradd -u 1003 -g db2fadm1 -m -d /home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1 o useradd -u 1002 -g dasadm1 -m -d /home/dasusr1 dasusr1 * Set password for each users created: o passwd db2inst1 o passwd db2fenc1 o passwd dasusr1 * cd to installation file directory: o Example: /tmp/db2/exp/disk1 * Run installation script: o ./db2_install.sh Post Install * Login as root. * Install license (example): o /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/adm/db2licm –a /tmp/db2/exp/disk1/db2/license/db2exp_uw.lic Create the DB2 Administration Server (DAS) * Login as root. * Create DAS with dasusr1 o /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/instance/dascrt -u dasusr1 * Login as dasuser1 o Start the DAS: db2admin start * Optional: to enable autostarting of the DAS upon reboot o /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/instance/dascrt/dasauto –on Create DB2 instance * Login as root. * Create instance with users db2fenc1 and db2inst1: o /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1 * Optional: enable autostarting of the db2inst1 instance o /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/instance/db2iauto –on db2inst1 Update environment variables * Example: * Login as db2inst1 * edit .bash_profile o vi /home/db2inst1/.bash_profile o insert the following line at the end of the file – “. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile” * Do the same for dasusr1, using its corresponding directory. Database service * Login as root: * Add new service entry: o vi etc/services o insert this line “DB2_TMINST 50000/tcp” at the end of the file Verification * Login as db2inst1 * List installed DB2 products and features: db2ls * Display the default instance: db2 get instance o Result: The current database manager instance is: db2inst1 * Start the database instance: db2start o Result: SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful. * Stop the database instance: db2stop o Result: SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful. --**deadlock event monitor db2 "select target from syscat.eventmonitors where evmonname='DB2DETAILDEADLOCK'" db2 list active databases | grep "Database path" find -name db2 CONNECT TO sample db2 LIST ACTIVE DATABASES Active Databases Database name = SAMPLE Applications connected currently = 1 Database path = /home/user1/user1/NODE0000/SQL00001/ find /home/user1/user1/NODE0000/SQL00001/ -name db2detaildeadlock /home/user1/user1/NODE0000/SQL00001/db2event/db2detaildeadlock SELECT EVMONNAME, CASE WHEN EVENT_MON_STATE(EVMONNAME) = 0 THEN 'Inactive' WHEN EVENT_MON_STATE(EVMONNAME) = 1 THEN 'Active' END FROM SYSCAT.EVENTMONITORS db2_capture_locktimeout --**CONNECTION type 2 SET CLIENT CONNECT 2 CONNECT TO TEST CONNECT TO SAMPLE CONNECT TO OTHER SET CONNECTION OTHER DISCONNECT OTHER SET CLIENT CONNECT 1 --**Find Long Running SQL: SELECT ELAPSED_TIME_MIN, SUBSTR(AUTHID,1,10) AS AUTH_ID, AGENT_ID, APPL_STATUS, SUBSTR(STMT_TEXT,1,20) AS SQL_TEXT FROM SYSIBMADM.LONG_RUNNING_SQL WHERE ELAPSED_TIME_MIN > 0 ORDER BY ELAPSED_TIME_MIN DESC --**Show Bufferpool Hit Ratios: SELECT SUBSTR(BP_NAME,1,20) as BP_NAME, TOTAL_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT as ALL_HR, DATA_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT as DATA_HR, INDEX_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT as INX_HR, XDA_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT as XML_HR FROM SYSIBMADM.BP_HITRATIO; --**Show Queries and Statics from the Package Cache: SELECT SUBSTR(STMT_TEXT,1,20) AS STMT, SECTION_TYPE AS TYPE, NUM_EXECUTIONS, TOTAL_ACT_TIME AS TOTAL_TIME, TOTAL_ACT_WAIT_TIME AS WAIT_TIME FROM TABLE(MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT('','','',-1)) --**Show Lock Wait Chains: select substr(ai_h.appl_name,1,10) as "Hold App", substr(ai_h.primary_auth_id,1,10) as "Holder", substr(ai_w.appl_name,1,10) as "Wait App", substr(ai_w.primary_auth_id,1,10) as "Waiter", lw.lock_mode as "Hold Mode", lw.lock_object_type as "Obj Type", substr(lw.tabname,1,10) as "TabName", substr(lw.tabschema,1,10) as "Schema", timestampdiff(2,char(lw.snapshot_timestamp - lw.lock_wait_start_time)) as "waiting (s)" from sysibmadm.snapappl_info ai_h, sysibmadm.snapappl_info ai_w, sysibmadm.snaplockwait lw where lw.agent_id = ai_w.agent_id and lw.agent_id_holding_lk = ai_h.agent_id --**Show Excessive Sorting: SELECT APPLICATION_HANDLE AS APP_HDL, SUBSTR(CLIENT_USERID,1,10) AS USERID, TOTAL_SECTION_SORTS AS NUM_SORTS, TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_TIME AS TOTAL_TIME, TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_PROC_TIME AS SORT_TIME, TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_TIME - TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_PROC_TIME AS WAIT_TIME FROM TABLE(MON_GET_CONNECTION(NULL,-1)) --**Show the transactions with the most CPU and most Wait Time: SELECT APPLICATION_HANDLE AS APP_HDL, SUBSTR(CLIENT_USERID,1,10) AS USERID, TOTAL_RQST_TIME, TOTAL_CPU_TIME, TOTAL_WAIT_TIME, CLIENT_IDLE_WAIT_TIME FROM TABLE(MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK(NULL,-1)) --**Show the 5 most active tables: SELECT SUBSTR(TABSCHEMA,1,10) AS SCHEMA, SUBSTR(TABNAME,1,20) AS NAME, TABLE_SCANS, ROWS_READ, ROWS_INSERTED, ROWS_DELETED FROM TABLE(MON_GET_TABLE('','',-1)) ORDER BY ROWS_READ DESC FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY --**Show the Critical and Error messages in the last 24 hours: SELECT TIMESTAMP, SUBSTR(MSG,1,400) AS MSG FROM SYSIBMADM.PDLOGMSGS_LAST24HOURS WHERE MSGSEVERITY IN ('C','E') ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC --**Show the messages in the notify log from the last 3 days: SELECT TIMESTAMP, SUBSTR(MSG,1,400) AS MSG FROM TABLE ( PD_GET_LOG_MSGS( CURRENT TIMESTAMP - 3 DAYS) ) AS PD ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC --**Show the average and maximum time taken to perform full backups SELECT AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(4,CHAR( TIMESTAMP(END_TIME) - TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)))) AS AVG_BTIME, MAX(TIMESTAMPDIFF(4,CHAR( TIMESTAMP(END_TIME) - TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)))) AS MAX_BTIME FROM SYSIBMADM.DB_HISTORY WHERE OPERATION = 'B' AND OPERATIONTYPE = 'F' --**Show any commands in the recovery history file that failed: SELECT START_TIME, SQLCODE, SUBSTR(CMD_TEXT,1,50) FROM SYSIBMADM.DB_HISTORY WHERE SQLCODE < 0 --**Display information about the application that currently has the oldest uncommitted unit of work. This is useful if to know about transactions that are holding too much log space: SELECT AI.APPL_STATUS as Status, SUBSTR(AI.PRIMARY_AUTH_ID,1,10) AS "Authid", SUBSTR(AI.APPL_NAME,1,15) AS "Appl Name", INT(AP.UOW_LOG_SPACE_USED/1024/1024) AS "Log Used (M)", INT(AP.APPL_IDLE_TIME/60) AS "Idle for (min)", AP.APPL_CON_TIME AS "Connected Since" FROM SYSIBMADM.SNAPDB DB, SYSIBMADM.SNAPAPPL AP, SYSIBMADM.SNAPAPPL_INFO AI WHERE AI.AGENT_ID = DB.APPL_ID_OLDEST_XACT AND AI.AGENT_ID = AP.AGENT_ID;